Almost 20 years ago, I received a phone call that changed my life.
How to Make Friends with Your Inner Imposter
Stop worrying about not being good enough.
May 17, 2021
Imposter syndrome is the persistent, nagging thought that tells us that we are undeserving of our achievements. If you have ever felt that way, you’re not alone. Through the many conversations Amantha Imber has had with guests on her podcast, she has learned that no matter how competent or successful people are, many still continue to feel the same insecurities and fears. But unlike many of us, they have figured out ways to channel their emotions into something productive. Here’s how:
- Interpret self-doubt as a positive emotion. Instead of shying away from experiences that trigger your doubt, deliberately embrace them and remember it that it’s only through challenges that we can improve.
- Stop trying to be the smartest person in the room. Instead of obsessing about how others will view you, try to remove your self-censorship. It will only get in the way of your learning.
- Don’t shy away from failure, even if it scares you. When reviewing opportunities to throw yourself into, ask yourself why you’re afraid of them. Are you hesitating to take something on because you are worried about failure?
- Don’t run away from negative feedback. Embrace it. Remind yourself that it’s only negative feedback — not positive — that helps you figure out how to grow and improve.