You’ve applied to job after job with no luck. Maybe you’ve even gotten some interviews, but no offers. You’re starting to feel hopeless — is there even a job out there for you? You’re just getting started in your career, and yet it feels like it’s already over.
Why Aren’t You Getting Hired?
You might need to make adaptability a part of your process.
August 30, 2023

HBR Staff; PeopleImages/Getty Images
If you’re struggling to find a job, you’re likely facing one of two problems: 1) You’re not landing any interviews or 2) You’re getting interviews, but they don’t go anywhere.
- If you’re struggling to land interviews, it’s usually a sign that your background is too much of a stretch for the jobs you want. Start by analyzing the trends in your industry. It may be that you’re operating on the assumption that job opportunities are abundant when, in fact, your target industry has been slowing hiring or laying people off. Ensure that your resume and cover letter reflect the desired knowledge, skills, and capabilities that are valued in your industry.
- When you can’t land a job offer, it’s easy to lose stamina and confidence. Before your interviews, take the time to learn everything you can about the company. You can set Google alerts for the company and follow their social media pages. Also, get really good at telling your story in an engaging way. Start by closely reading the job description. What skills, knowledge, experience, and aptitudes are required for the position? Once you know what the employer is looking for, you can give concrete examples of what you’ve done that show off your abilities in these areas.
- Throughout the process, continue to ask yourself: Is this role I’m applying or interviewing for really the job I want? Where is my current career path leading me? Is it time to contemplate a change in direction—perhaps a new industry or function?