I’ll Have Another will try to enter the pantheon of horseracing by winning the Belmont Stakes, the final leg of the Triple Crown, on Saturday night (June 9, 2012). (Editor’s note: On Friday afternoon, June 8, a leg injury forced I’ll Have Another out of the race.) Following exciting wins in the Kentucky Derby and the Preakness, the chestnut colt is trying to do what no horse has done in 34 years. Win or lose, I’ll Have Another’s situation provides useful lessons about business and markets.
The Business Lessons of the Belmont Stakes
I’ll Have Another will try to enter the pantheon of horseracing by winning the Belmont Stakes, the final leg of the Triple Crown, on Saturday night (June 9, 2012). (Editor’s note: On Friday afternoon, June 8, a leg injury forced I’ll Have Another out of the race.) Following exciting wins in the Kentucky Derby and […]
June 08, 2012

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