The past two years have brought a deluge of headlines about the pandemic’s toll on working mothers, who are shouldering the majority of domestic chores and child-related tasks. Working moms are not OK. Working moms are reaching the breaking point. Working moms are struggling. Indeed, American mothers are on the brink.
Stop Telling Working Women They Just Need an Equal Partnership at Home
A career-supporting partner is a wonderful thing. But it’s not always an option.
January 12, 2022

Tom Werner/Getty Images
The pandemic has put an outsized burden on working moms and there has been little offered in terms of solutions. One of the pieces of advice that women are often given is to demand an equal partnership with their spouses. But, as the author explains through research and her personal experience, that’s not always feasible. She argues that unequal partnerships are not always foreseeable or easy to avoid, and advocates that we stop blaming women and resolve to given them more support.

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