The boundary between work and home has never been a clear line. Even when I’m in the office, for example, I’m on call if any of my four kids needs me. I remember how hard it was to get things done in my early days at Microsoft when they were babies — I had a lot of free time while they napped or played, but I couldn’t use that time productively because I might have to drop everything to attend to them at any moment.
Let’s Redefine “Productivity” for the Hybrid Era
It’s time to expand the definition to include well-being, social connection, and collaboration
September 09, 2021

Yaroslav Danylchenko/Stocksy
Study after study has shown that it’s not enough to be guided by simple measures of productivity as we figure out how to move to hybrid work. While it may be tempting to equate high levels of employee activity with success, doing so misses the factors that drive long-term, sustainable innovation. Managers must expand the way they think about productivity to focus on well-being, social connections, and collaboration and the innovation they bring to drive business success. Based on extensive research from Microsoft, the author offers three ways managers can embrace a more expansive view of productivity in a hybrid world — one that promotes well-being, collaboration, and innovation for you and your team.