Last month, I met my friend for coffee, where I was introduced to a popular term used in the world of HR: frequent applier. My friend, let’s call her Joy, is the head of hiring at a DC-based consulting firm where she often receives resumes from “frequent appliers,” or applicants who’ve held multiple jobs over a short span of time and apply to a series of new roles in rapid succession. This practice is more commonly known as job hopping.
How to Explain Job Hopping in an Interview

As job hopping becomes more common and less stigmatized, why do some hiring managers (and media outlets) still perpetuate the stereotype that millennial and Gen Z workers are disloyal to their organizations? When we look closely at the motivators behind job hopping, there are several factors to consider — beyond disloyalty. Since the pandemic, work-life balance, mental health, flexibility, and competitive salaries are top-of mind for young workers. If you’re one of the many job hoppers struggling to explain the multiple roles you’ve held in the past, there are a few ways to approach this predicament. Should a potential employer ask about the “job hopping” areas of your resume, try to think of it as an opportunity. It’s a chance to help your interviewer better understand your motivations while highlighting what you’re looking for long term.