
Featuring PwC’s Paul BlasePaul Leinwand, and Gurpreet Singh. Blase is a Principal at PwC U.S. and leads the firm’s growth platform. He advises executives on designing systems to deliver consistent growth. Leinwand is a Principal at PwC U.S., a Global Managing Director at Strategy&, and an adjunct professor at Northwestern’s Kellogg School. Singh is the National Health Services Leader For PwC U.S. He has over 25 years of consulting experience working with the largest pharmaceutical, health insurance, and health system clients. To learn more about PwC’s growth and business model strategy practice, please visit their website.

Complimentary HBR Webinar

Monday, August 19, 12:00 pm ET

Delivering consistent growth is extremely hard for companies. A brilliant idea or product innovation can create a burst of episodic growth, but few companies can demonstrate growth year in and year out. Executives and companies are exhausted by the ongoing search for growth – but there is a way to move beyond episodic success.

Some companies have managed to sustain consistent growth. The biggest insight is that the highest-performing organizations invest in creating a growth system, an integrated collection of capabilities and assets that drives both short-term and long-term growth.

On August 19, in a live, interactive, HBR webinar, PwC principals Paul Blase and Paul Leinwand and Partner Gurpreet Singh shared findings from PwC research about what differentiates those rare companies that are able to achieve consistent growth.

In this webinar, Blase, Leinwand, and Singh discussed:

  • Why achieving sustained, consistent growth is so hard.
  • What a growth system is and the five components of a growth system.
  • How a growth system helps companies succeed in this era of volatility.

They shared extensive case studies and real-world experiences about those rare companies that have built a growth system that delivers consistent growth, such as IKEA, Adobe, and Roblox.