If you want to advance but your boss isn’t invested in your professional development, it can be demoralizing and frustrating. I know because I’ve been there. In the early stages of my career, there was a phase where I felt invisible and like there were no opportunities to reach for. One summer, there was an extended period where my annual performance review was repeatedly cancelled on short notice. This happened multiple times, and it eventually got to the point where I silently conceded defeat and stopped reminding my manager to reschedule it.
Don’t Let an Indifferent Boss Hold You Back
Four ways to become your own best advocate.
January 23, 2023

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Don’t let an indifferent manager derail your ambition, career values, or goals. Your career is the most valuable — and the most personal — investment you’ll ever make. It’s essential that you reinvest in your potential during tough times by being proactive. Embrace a positive mindset and keep reviewing your career commitments every quarter to track your goals, accomplishments, and insights. Continue to network and broaden your view. Be intentional about engaging with others and kickstarting career-focused conversations. If you can become your own best advocate, soon you’ll look back on this moment and realize it was a catalyst that helped propel you forward.