Today’s climate challenge is so far beyond our collective experience that it demands a radically different kind of engagement from senior leadership teams in the private sector. The threats that climate change poses to business, markets, and, indeed, capitalism are peculiarly hard for most top teams to spot, let alone act on.
Climate Change Is an Overwhelming Problem. Here Are 4 Things Executives Can Do Today
Don’t let the scale of the problem paralyze you.
January 05, 2018

clement m./unsplash
The climate challenge we face today is the exact kind of huge, systemic, slow-moving-until-it’s-not crisis that humans are bad at solving. That means it will require a different kind of leadership from executives in the private sector. To get your head around the big, broad problems posed by carbon emissions, take concrete steps today. First, dive into the data. Second, take a “learning journey” by visiting some organizations that are on the cutting edge of addressing sustainability issues to see how they do it. Next, swallow hard — and raise the price of carbon. By a lot. And finally, rethink how you see carbon. It’s not just a danger to the planet; it’s the basis of all life on this planet.