Since the first chief data officer was appointed at Capital One in 2002, the role has been plagued by confusion about its purpose. Although surveys of large organizations by Randy’s firm NewVantage Partners show an overall increase in the prevalence of the role — climbing from 12% in 2012 to 68% in 2018, and falling somewhat in 2019 — CDOs’ responsibilities have remained unclear. In the most recent survey, only 28% of respondents agreed that the role was “successful and established.”
Are You Asking Too Much of Your Chief Data Officer?
The role is often saddled with unrealistic expectations and unclear priorities.
February 07, 2020

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Since the first chief data officer was appointed at Capital One in 2002, the role has been plagued by confusion about its purpose. In studying CDOs and their roles over the past decade, the authors identified seven key types of CDO jobs, each distinct enough that it would be difficult or impossible for one person to perform all of them well. Understanding what a given organization expects of its CDO, and then matching capabilities with those expectations, can be the key to longer, more effective, and happier CDO tenures.

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